I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.
Like a lily among thorns is
my darling among the maidens.
Like an apple tree among the trees
of the forest is my lover among the young men.
I delight to sit in his shade,
and his fruit is sweet to my taste.
He has taken me to the banquet hall,
and his banner over me is love.
Song Of Solomon 2:2-4
Happy Valentine's day from Aurora and Simba
Hearts and flowers always there
Sweetness in the love we share
Birds that fly on special wing
Valentine with love I bring
Thoughts of you and gentle nights
All the stars are shining bright
Captured in this love divine
Isn't life just so sublime
This my gift sweet Valentine
Fills your heart with song and rhyme
Just the thought of you and me
Captures all life's harmony
So here I am with loving thought
My time with you is never lost
I hold on to each memory
Each second spent in reverie.
~ Francine Pucillo ~
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-The history of Valentine's Day -- and itss patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery.
Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine
or Valentinus.
- One legend says that Valentine was a prriest who served during the third century in Rome.
When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers, he outlawed
marriage for young, single men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree,
defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret.
- According to another legend, Valentine aactually sent the first 'valentine' greeting
himself. While in prison, Valentine fell in love with a young girl who visited him
during his confinement. Before his death, he wrote her a letter, which he signed 'From
your Valentine, an expression that is still in use today.
- The oldest known valentine still in exisstence today was a poem written by Charles, Duke
of Orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture
at the Battle of Agincourt. The greeting, which was written in 1415, can be viewed today at
the British Museum in London, England.
- Cupid, the child-like, winged deity ofteen associated with our modern Valentine's day, is
the son of Venus, the Greek goddess of love. In Roman mythology, Cupid is known as Aphrodite's
son Eros.
- According to the Greeting Card Associatiion, an estimated one billion valentine cards are sent
each year, making Valentine's Day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year.
(An estimated 2.6 billion cards are sent for Christmas.)
- Approximately 85 percent of all valentinnes are purchased by women. In addition to the
United States, Valentine's Day is celebrated in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom,
France, and Australia.
February 14, 2012
From the first time our eyes met,
I knew you were the one.
The one I searched for,
the one I longed for;
The missing piece to my heart.
Nothing could ever compare
to this love that we share.
I can't imagine my life
without you, and I hope
I never have to.