The first fact we learn concerning this great Prince of Heaven is that in
the mighty combat which took place in Heaven, when the bad angels fell
away from their allegiance to God, St. Michael sounded his war cry:
Quis ut Deus?
WHO IS LIKE GOD? Joined by the good Angels, St. Michael
drove Satan and his legions from heaven and plunged them
into the depths of Hell.
Next, we hear his praises from no less an authority than St. Gabriel the
Archangel, who speaking to the prophet Daniel, says: "Michael, one of the
chief princes" (Daniel, 10:13), "Michael, your prince" (10:21) and
Michael.... the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people.(12:1)
St. Thomas says of him: "Michael is the breath of the Redeemer's spirit,
who at the End of the World will combat and destroy Antichrist, as he did
Lucifer in the beginning."
St. Michael was the protector and defender of God's chosen people. Now he
is the defender of the Church and of all the Faithful, whom he defends
against the constant assaults of the devil.
He is invoked in sickness and most especially at the hour of death, when his
all-powerful help is so much needed, for then it is that Satan makes his last
and fiercest attack on the Christian soul, seeking with craft and cunning,
with fears and despair, to drag it down to Hell.
In the prayers traditionally said by the priest and peple after Mass, there
is a special and beautiful prayer to St. Michael, imploring his help for the
Church. It runs as noted above.
We should make it a sacred duty to join fervently in this important
prayer, repeating it often each day.
In our morning and evening prayers, too, we invoke St. Michael when saying
the Confiteor. This we should try to do with more devotion and confidence.
Many do not even think of what they are saying when they recite
these prayers!
We all must die, and we all must be prepared for the fierce attacks of the
devil at that dreadful hour. Hence, every Christian should make sure of
having St. Michael's help at the hour of death. This we can do by being
devoted to the great Archangel during our lives.
How to Honor St. Michael
1. By frequently repeating this short prayer:
O Glorius St. Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Court,
pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
2. By invoking his aid in time of sickness.
3. By praying fervently to St. Michael if we find it hard to
conquer a temptation or to correct some fault. He will
assuredly help us to overcome the most violent, the most
inveterate temptations.
4. By having a little picture of St. Michael in our prayer
books saying each time we see it: O Glorius St. Michael,
I love you! O Glorious St Michael, help me!
5. By praying to St. Michael to defend the world against the
devil and save us from the awful evils that threaten us. Let
us occasionally offer our Mass, Communion and Rosary
in honor of St. Michael.
To increase your devotion to St. Michael The Archangel,
read "St. Michael and the Angels." 134-page book;
"All about the Angels" by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan,
O.P., a 148-page book; and "The Angels" by Fr.
Pascal Parente, a 158-page book. Catalog of over 400
great Catholic Books is available for $1.00. Order them
direct from TAN BOOKS AND PUBLISHERS, INC., P.O. Box 424,
Rockford, Illinois 61105. Call Toll Free: 1-800-437-5876.
Check their Web site: