

We want to wish Baby Simba 
and his Meowmie Aurora a 
very, very Happy birthday
Aurora's Birthday is May 16, and
Baby Simba's Birthday is May 31st 
and he will be 10 years old!!!

Aurora's Birthday is May 16 and Simba's is May 31st.

Butterfly and ribbons
To celebrate this day
Brought to you with happiness
With love that comes your way

Wishing you the sunshine
Wherever you may go
Peace and love to greet you
That gives a special glow

All you love surround you
On this your happy day
Knowing you are thought of
In a very loving way

When the day is over
And all is said and done
Knowing that your Birthday
Gave joy to everyone

For we are truly grateful
To have a chance to say
You mean so much to everyone
On this and every day.

~Poem by Francine PucilloŠ~

Join us for a piece of Simba's Birthday cake!  

Petals of a bright bouquet
That grow within God's earth
Masterpiece of gentleness
Hues of greatest worth

Petals made of special light
That soften hearts with care
Dotted on the universe
Soft colors everywhere

Beauty that is sacrosanct
In life it shall remain
Sleeps in season of our rest
Then wakes up love's refrain

Eyes are filled with wonder
With pallet of such peace
Filling all our emptiness
God's masterpiece complete

Resonating love to all
In such a grand display
Love within a floral spray
It fills the heart each day

Soft and gentle is the peace
That touches hearts with care
Petals soft throughout the world
God's answer to a prayer

~Francine Pucillo~(c)



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April 21 - May 21....BULL....Gemstone:Emerald....Planet:Venus....Color:Pink

Taurus Traits - Flo

April 21 - May 21

Patient and reliable
Warmhearted and loving
Persistent and determined
Placid and security loving

On the dark side....

Jealous and possessive
Resentful and inflexible
Self-indulgent and greedy


Being Attracted
Things Natural
Time to Ponder
Comfort and Pleasure


Being pushed too hard
Synthetic or "man made" things
Being rushed
Being indoors

The sign Taurus is symbolized by the Bull. Taurus THE BULL is the sign of the builder, and the earth we stand on. They are practical, peace loving, stubborn, slow and deliberate. Taureans are well known for being steadfast, grounded and loyal. The Taurus personality is stable and balanced, patient, reliable and loving. They are smart but they prefer familiar territory to change. Taurus has a natural interest in money, and like the finer things in life. They will walk away from an argument. Taurus is tenacious, artistic, musical, and has a "feeling" for things. Taurus is emotional, determined, stable, and persistent. Taurus has a love for beauty and harmony. They like to prove their worth.

The bright side
Taurus has a patient, grounded and reliable personality. People know where they are with a Taurean, unless they go too far! The Taurean is also warm and sensual, with an appreciation of the fine things in life. Taurus is motivated by a need for security, this sign is good for business matters and can be trusted to carry things through with absolute care. Their trustworthy nature and aversion to risk taking, makes many Taureans well suited for responsible jobs such as managing company finances. As an earth sign Taurus values the environment and will do everything possible to preserve it, even if that only extends to their immediate surroundings.

Taureans are extremely faithful, with a strong need for security and a settled routine. Although they are very earthy, they can also be highly romantic and sensitive when it comes to love. As in other areas of life, in relationships, Taureans are stable and practical. Taureans love harmony and tend to be loyal and faithful to their partners. The signs that are most compatible with Taurus tend to be Capricorn, Virgo and some other Taureans.

Practical, reliable, patient, persistent, solid, determined, industrious, strong willed, sensuous, affectionate, warm hearted, trustworthy.

Gemini Traits - SIMBA:
May 22 to June 22

May 22 - June 22.....The Twins.....Gemstone:Tiger's Eye.....Planet:Mercury.......Air Sign......Color:Yellow.....Flower:Lily of the Valley.....

Positive Traits:

Adaptable and versatile
Communicative and witty
Intellectual and eloquent
Youthful and lively

On the dark side....

Nervous and tense
Superficial and inconsistant
Cunning and inquisitive
Deceptive, changeable, confused


Being around people
Variety, novelty, change
Being free to move around
Variety in life


Being in a rut
Being alone
Being kept waiting
Feeling tied down
Being indoors
Wasting time

Gemini THE TWINS is the sign of the storyteller, the communicator. Geminis are widely known for their dual personalities and ability to change mood from moment to moment. Most Geminis are versatile and adaptable, they love change and hate routine, and while this has many positives, it can also make them come across as flighty and inconsistent. Although they hate to be tied down, they make lively and entertaining partners, even if they can be rather fickle if bored or unhappy.

Boredom is a big problem for Geminis; it's not uncommon for them to get into trouble because of it. Every Gemini needs creative and active outlets, and exercise is also popular. Geminis also have a risk of overindulgence so if you are a Gemini, you would be wise to keep any such tendencies in check.

Natural communicators, Geminis do not suffer fools gladly; so once they are attracted to people, they have to ensure that they are not dull or mundane. They will no doubt spend ages chatting to them about every subject under the sun, just to keep feeding that ever active and inquisitive mind.

The bright side

Bright, witty, adaptable and quick to react. Very little troubles a Gemini or stops the relentless talking for long! Having an active curiosity, Gemini is excellent at gathering all kinds of information. Geminis are capable of tackling almost anything, so long as they do not become bored. The difficulty lies in what subject to concentrate on today, Gemini is always engaged in two subjects or jobs at once.

Geminis have many positive sides, and they can be kind and generous. It is generally true that Geminis like their comforts, and won't easily give them up for another person, but the right life-partner will nevertheless appreciate a Gemini's many good and affectionate personality traits. Gemini is most compatible with Aquarius, Libra, and other Geminis.

Versatile, adaptable, intellectual, witty, charming, logical, energetic, spontaneous, lively, chatty, amusing, youthful, up-to-date.

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May 16 and 31, 2012

PLEASE VISIT THE JACOB RANDALL FOUNDATION AT: http://www.jacobrandallfoundation.com

Mission Statement:

The Jacob Randall Foundation, Inc. has been created to support and encourage research into improved means of diagnosing, treating, curing and eliminating the disease of Morquio; to help educate physicians, scientists, parents, caregivers, children, policy makers, and other medical personnel about the nature, threat, effects and other aspects of Morquio Syndrome; and to provide support and encouragement to children and their families who are suffering with Morquio Syndrome.


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