Mom There are angels God puts on this earth who care for us and guide us. You can feel their love and gentleness as they walk through life beside us. God blessed us with a person like that, she loves us more than anyone else. And I'm thankful I'm the lucky one who gets to call her "MOMMIE". Love from, Sammy

The doorbell rang that morning;
"A delivery for you", he said.
A gorgeous bouquet of flowers;
With those words, he turned and left.

Pretty yellow flowers
Clutched in a tiny hand;
A priceless gift he gave me;
Nothing could be so grand!

Many years have come and gone
Since my sweet blue-eyed kitty
Picked yellow dandelions;
The color of the sun.

The doorbell rang this morning;
"A delivery for you", he said.
A gorgeous bouquet of flowers;
Pink carnation and roses red.

I put them in a crystal vase
And after that was done;
I opened up the card attached;
It was signed.....your sweet blue-eyed kitty!

Here is Aurora and Sammy

Victorian Lace on Mother’s Day

Marilyn Ferguson ©2003

Let’s take a journey back in time
To centuries long ago
When everything was beautiful
And gentle streams did flow.

Where happy children graced the halls
In mansions on a hill
Where charm and grace did set the pace
In memories, lingering still.

A time when ladies met for tea
At tables set for two
Southern belles with things to tell
In misty morning hue.

Corsets here and bustles there
Such lovely flowing dresses
A touch of eloquence was found
Beneath those lovely tresses.

All dressed up in fringe and lace
With gowns of flowing white
They held their children close to them
And tucked them in at night.

With locks of hair pulled up in buns
And topped with pretty bonnet
The legend that was left behind
Sounds nearly like a sonnet.

The century now has turned the tide
They since have gone away
And other mothers fill the earth
To brighten Mother’s Day.

Through the passing years in time
One thing will stay the same
The precious love of mother
Her name will always remain.

For all the ladies gone before
I pray for heaven’s grace
To all the mothers here today
I wish you frills and lace.

©2003 Marilyn Ferguson

My Mother's Love

You've always been a part of me
right from the very start,
creating treasured memories
tucked away deep within my heart.
You showed me what love truly means,
I've watched your caring ways,
unselfishly guiding me
through all my stormy days.
I'm thankful for the times we've shared
and look forward to the rest.
When it comes to Moms,
My Mother's Love is the best.

Written by: Sindy Vorderstrasse 2005

Dedicated to my Mother

There is no difference in the way I love you,
Even though you're gone these many years.
I think of you this Mother's Day as ever:
The home that sits behind half-open doors.

Death has no finality, for love
Is like a mountain when it comes to time:
The change is slow, so slow that in a lifetime
It does not dominate the landscape less.

And like a mountain you may see my yearning
Dappled in the distance, just as music
Alternates between despair and joy,
Yet always, always turns the heart towards beauty.

This day is no less yours than when you were
Alive within the confines of your flesh.
You are alive in me, and will be always,
Though I along with you return to dust.

by Nicholas Gordon(C)

Happy Mother's Day - May 12, 2013

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