Happy Father's Day

Thoughts of You Dad, Today
by ©Marilyn Ferguson
Thoughts of you come drifting back
Within this heart of mine
I take a trip to yesterday
Another day in time.
A time when I was growing up
And you were always there
Put to the test, you did your best
You handled things with care.
For holding out, not giving in
When others got their way
For saying no, my strength did grow
I thank you dad, today.
To you, I owe so many thanks
For teaching right from wrong
For many lectures you bestowed
I sing a different song.
I thank you for the sacrifice
Of working everyday
For all you?ve given in this life
I?m thanking you today.
I thank you for your faith so strong
For many days in church
For leading me to Jesus Christ
I did not have to search.
For all I am, I owe to you
You surely led the way
So many lessons learned in life
I thank you dad, today.
©2005 Marilyn Ferguson
Father's Day 2023
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Father's Day 2021
Father's Day 2020
Father's Day 2019
Father's Day 2018
Father's Day 2017
Father's Day 2016
Father's Day 2015
Father's Day 2014
Father's Day 2013
Gone, but Not Forgotten
The tender thoughts you left me
Come to my memory
Your loving smile, so special
Will always be with me.
You visit me in summer
When flowers are in bloom
Upon a ray of sunshine
A star-lit night in June.
When winds are gently blowing
Across a cloudless sky
Within a rolling meadow
Where horse and cattle lie.
I see you in the treetops
As summer comes to be
In shadows, you do linger
A soul so young and free.
I see you in the garden
Your scent does fill the air
Just like a precious flower
A rose, so ever fair.
On country roads, I find you
Along the wooded lane
Within the distant thunder
I see you in the rain.
In early hush of morning
You come without a sound
Upon a blazing sunset
Your memory can be found.
Like sprigs of morning glory
Upon the vine, they grow
With branches reaching outward
Into my heart, you go.
Just like a special angel
God wrapped you in His care
And took you off to heaven
To live with Him, up there.
But often, I still see you
Upon a light blue sky
And long so much to hold you
Why did you have to die.
Author/Written by:
Marilyn Ferguson
I'll always remember my
With his faint smell of aftershave.
To me, he seemed taller than everyone.
Very proud and always brave.
I'll always remember my
Falling asleep in his favorite chair.
But when I needed my Dad,
He was willing and always there.
I'll always remember my
Always so very strong.
But I'm still daddy's little girl
And I will be my whole life long.
~ Katherine M. Parisse ~
Copyright, 2004
Fields of Blessings on Father's Day
by ©Marilyn Ferguson
On Father's Day we take the time
To turn our thoughts to dad
Thank him for the home he gave
For all the things we had.
We think about the fleeting years
Too quickly, gone for good
It seems like only yesterday
I'd go back if I could.
A time when dad was always there
No matter what the weather
Always strong when things went wrong
He held our lives together.
He strived so hard from day to day
And never once complained
With steady hands, he worked the land
And kept the family name.
He taught us that hard work pays off
You reap just what you sow
He said that if you tend your crops
Your field will overflow.
My harvest has been bountiful
He taught me how to give
In his firm and steadfast way
He taught me how to live.
Dad dwells among the angels now
He left us much too soon
He glides across a golden field
Above the harvest moon.
I see him in the fields of grain
He rides upon the wind
When my path is beaten down
He picks me up again.
©2003 Marilyn Ferguson

Graphics & Background
tiles © Nightfire Graphics